Conroe Independent School District

Information Page

Please review the Intradistrict Transfer information in the CISD Board Policy below prior to filling out the application.

The CISD Board Policy can be downloaded at:

  • Make sure you select the correct school year
  • If you are a current CISD family and are moving from one residence to another within the district, a transfer is not necessary.  Please reach out to your current campus registrar, and they will assist you with the transition over to the new campus once they receive a new proof of residency (light, gas, or water bill).

To fill out an application for a transfer to an Elementary, click here.

To fill out an application for a transfer to an Intermediate School/Junior High, click here.

To fill out an application for a transfer to a High School, click here.

To fill out an application for the Conroe ISD Virtual School, click here.

Intradistrict Transfer Board Policy

Conroe ISD
A student shall be assigned to a school in the attendance area in which he or she resides. A student may be reassigned to conform to boundary changes. When a student is reassigned, his or her parent or guardian shall be notified in writing.
CLASS CHANGES The campus principal shall be authorized to investigate and approve the transfer of a student from one classroom to another on that campus.
TRANSFERS BETWEEN SCHOOLS The deputy superintendent or appropriate assistant superintendent shall be authorized to investigate and approve the transfer of a student from one school to another in consultation with the principals of both campuses involved.

A parent or guardian of a student who currently resides within the District and who wishes to transfer his or her child to another school shall submit a completed intradistrict transfer request form no later than May 1. A request submitted after the deadline may not be considered until after the start of the school year. A transfer shall be approved on a one-year basis and is subject to availability of space and instructional staff in the school or grade level for which the transfer is requested.

A transfer shall be granted for the following reasons only:

1. Attendance at a magnet school for grades 7-12; or

2. Hardship reasons.

A student who participates in extracurricular activities and is approved for a transfer shall be eligible for participation in accordance with UIL rules.
TRANSPORTATION The District shall not provide school bus transportation for a student who attends school outside of his or her assigned attendance zone.

The District may ask a parent or guardian to transfer a student in order to balance class size or programs. If the parent honors the request of the District to transfer, transportation shall be provided.
CHANGE OF RESIDENCE A student whose legal residence changes from one attendance zone to another within the District may, upon request, remain at the school in which he or she was enrolled until the end of the semester.

A student in grade 12 who has attended the same District high school for at least three years and whose residence changes to another attendance zone in the District shall be allowed, upon completion of the appropriate paperwork, to remain enrolled at the original high school until he or she graduates.
FALSIFICATION OF RECORDS A person who knowingly falsifies information on a form required for enrollment of a student is subject to penalty provided by Penal Code 37.10 and Education Code 25.001(h).

A student who, without an approved transfer, enrolls in a school other than the school that serves the student's attendance zone shall be subject to immediate removal and subsequent placement in the student's home school.
1. Periodic review of school address records;

2. Removal of a student found to be attending school in violation of District transfer and attendance zone policies;

3. Dissemination of information regarding intradistrict transfer and attendance regulations to students and parents;

4. Inclusion of intradistrict transfer regulations in the student/ parent handbooks and/or newsletters; and

5. Referral of questions regarding the bona fide residence of a student to the appropriate assistant superintendent.
CHILDREN OF EMPLOYEES A student who is living with a parent, step-parent, or guardian employed in a full-time capacity by the District shall be allowed to transfer to the campus nearest to the employee's place of work, subject to availability of space and instructional staff as determined by the appropriate assistant superintendent or designee. A full-time employee is an employee who works 18.75 hours or more per week during the school year.

A request for transfer outside of a student's assigned attendance zone shall be granted only one time in junior high school and one time in high school. If a child of an employee returns to his or her home campus during junior high school or high school, a second intradistrict transfer shall not be granted.
PARENT NO LONGER EMPLOYED BY THE DISTRICT If the parent of a student ceases to be an employee of the District, the student may finish the school year at the same campus as long as his or her parent provides transportation.

A student in grade 12 who has attended the same District high school for at least three years and whose parent ceases to be employed by the District may be allowed to remain at the same high school campus until he or she graduates so long as his or her parent provides transportation.

A student in grades 9-12 who has been admitted into one of the District's academies or JROTC programs and whose parent ceases to be employed by the District may be allowed to remain in that program until he or she graduates so long as his or her parent provides transportation.
VIOLATIONS A student who has been granted an intradistrict transfer shall be required to adhere to District and campus rules of discipline and attendance. Failure to do so may result in revocation of the transfer and assignment to the school in the attendance zone where the student resides. The campus principal shall recommend revocation of transfer to the Superintendent or designee.
Note: For the transfer of a student who is the victim of bullying or who engaged in bullying, see FDB(LEGAL). For the transfer of a student who attends a persistently dangerous school, becomes a victim of a violent criminal offense, or becomes a victim of sexual assault, see FDE.
DATE ISSUED: 9/28/2018—LDU 2014.06—FDB(LOCAL)-X
Visit the CISD Board Policy website to find the most updated version in PDF or DOC format.